Avalon Line (TAV/K)

Toilet seat for Avalon chinaware, from the Ideal Standard brand.


• Loyalty in color and design of the dishes.
• Finishing option: Cushion.


Indicated for installation on Avalon dishes, from the Ideal Standard brand. If you cannot identify the model of the china, it is recommended to measure the piece (between holes, length and width) before purchasing the toilet seat. Installed over the toilet for greater comfort.



Technical Information


Tap and swipe

Toilet seat for the Avalon Line, from the Ideal Standard brand
Code Reference Tableware Version
TAV/K Avalon Cushion
Differentials of each version:
Cushion (Original): soft, protection against fungi and bacteria, adjustable fixation, easy cleaning and design and color fidelity.

Quality Tests

Product subjected to resistance testing through simulation of use.


If you have questions about which toilet seat is the best fit for your toilet bowl, access the simulator.