Montezzi Line (Upper Drive)

Unloading mechanisms compatible with Montezzi dishes, from the Belize brand. There are water inlet and outlet options, a single-drive set and a double-drive set. See also the spare replacement parts (repairs).


• Single replacement parts (repairs), which do not require the replacement of the complete mechanism, if the problem identified is in just one item.
• Option of the complete double actuation mechanism, which allows the release of 3 and 6 liters of water, as needed.


• Produtos indicados para o uso com a louça Montezzi, da marca Belize.
• Para identificar a louça, meça o acionamento da descarga e a altura da caixa acoplada.
• O modelo da louça também pode ser identificado pelo formato do assento sanitário.
• Em caso de dúvidas, pode-se optar pelos modelos de mecanismos universais, que se adequam a qualquer louça.

Technical Information


Tap and swipe

Unloading mechanisms compatible with Montezzi dishes, from the Belize brand
Compatible product Description Compatible power button Compatible Sealing Bag
MDUS/R Universal Double Exit Tower MBD/U1 | MB3 KS/BVU
KSU Single Water Outlet
KS315 Single Water Outlet
KEU Conventional Water Inlet
KE325/N Conventional Water Inlet
HE2/325 Hydraulic water inlet
HEU Hydraulic water inlet
HEU2 Hydraulic water inlet
MD/T Double Drive Tower Mechanism Set MBT (Double Upper Drive) KS/BVU
MS280/C water outlet
MS266/C water outlet
M3328/CC Simple Mechanism Set MB/U KS/BVI (KSBV2-C)