The assembled kit of the EI line has a red module for voltage differentiation.
The piece has a glossy finish with anti-UV treatment and must-have screws.
• Injected module in red color.
• Smooth surface, no frills or grooves.
• No visible screws.
• Modern design.
• Modular plug-in line.
• Anti-UV treatment.
• Flameproof material.
• Stainless and unmissable screws.
• Internal contact in silver.
Kit used for passing wires and cables, leaving the surface with a better finish.
Technical Information
Tap and swipe
Red Plug Module
10 amps
In compliance with the standards of ABNT NBR NM 60669-1 and NBR NM 60884-1.
Quality Tests
The product is subjected to tests of:
• a) Insulation resistance and withstand voltage test to verify the electrical insulation and protection against electrical discharges of the part.
• b) Temperature rise test to verify the efficiency of the electrical conduction of the product.
• c) Heat resistance test to analyze the product’s capacity under high temperatures.
• d) Resistance test of the insulating material to abnormal heat and fire to analyze the ability of the part to extinguish the flame.
• e) Force required for pulling out the plug to check the maximum and minimum force values ??for pulling out the plugs.