• Easy installation of modules by snapping; Allows tilt adjustment.
• Smooth surface, no frills or grooves.
• No visible screws.
• Does not spread fire.
• Contact in silver that offers longer life to the set.
• Contemporary design.
• Anti-UV treatment on the board and modules for greater durability of the original color.
Connection point for electrical equipment that consumes 10 or 20 amps.
Technical Information
Tap and swipe
Red Socket Module
10 amps
20 amps
In compliance with the standards of ABNT NBR NM 60669-1 and NBR NM 60884-1.
Quality Tests
The product is subjected to tests of:
• a) Insulation resistance and withstand voltage test to verify the electrical insulation and protection against electrical discharges of the part.
• b) Temperature rise test to verify the efficiency of the electrical conduction of the product.
• c) Heat resistance test to analyze the product’s capacity under high temperatures.
• d) Resistance test of the insulating material to abnormal heat and fire to analyze the ability of the part to extinguish the flame.
• e) Force required for pulling out the plug to check the maximum and minimum force values ??for pulling out the plugs.