Double Actuation Button for Cable Mechanism (MBD/U3)

The MBD/U3 dual push button is a complement to the range of flushing systems. The new button is pigmented, being an option for customers who do not want to use the chromed drive or who are looking for a lower cost solution. The MBD/U3 is a top double-actuation button, enabling a fractional discharge according to the need to clean the dishes.


• The button is white in color, adapting to most dishes that, today, are also white;
• Double top activation (2 water flows: total and partial), depending on the need for cleaning dishes;
• Accessory for Cable model exit mechanisms;
• Compatible with double cable mechanisms from Astra, Icasa and Deca (old model).

Technical Information


Tap and swipe

Double Actuation Button for Cable Mechanism
Code Description Measurements Compatibility
MBD/U3 Double Actuation Button for Cable Mechanism. 5 x 5 x 6,6 cm. Compatible with Astra, Icasa and Deca double cable mechanisms (old model).