Plastic Square Niches (NQP)

Astra’s Plastic Square Niches are resistant, easy to install and suitable for different areas such as living room, bedroom, office, bathroom and laundry.


• Does not attract termites.
• Resistant to humidity.
• Robust.
• Light.
• Made of Polypropylene.
• Smooth surface, does not accumulate dirt.
• Easy installation.
• Includes fixation kit.
• Can be placed anywhere.


To organize objects and decorate.


White-Black (BR-PR)
White - Blueberry (BR-BBR)
White-Guava (BR-GBA)

Technical Information


Tap and swipe

Plastic Square Niches
Código Medidas Capacidade
NQP26* 26 cm x 26 cm x 19,5 cm Suporta até 5 kg
* Exceto nas cores BR-PR1, BR-GBA.


Quality Tests

The product was subjected to tests of resistance to static charge and resistance to fall.