Due Maggiore (H16 | HA16)

The Due Maggiore bathtub has a rectangular shape, accommodates two people, has pillows, stainless steel support handles, color therapy, as well as jets and mini-jets that make the bath even more relaxing.


• Accommodates two people.
• Options: with and without hydromassage.
• Non-slip bottom and seat.
• Available in versions: Luxo, Super Luxo and Gran Luxo.
• Has factory (standard) and optional accessories.
• Guarantee of up to two years. ( see guarantee certificate).


For bathing, relaxation and therapeutic treatments.


In the color desired by the customer

Technical Information


Tap and swipe

Due Maggiore
A B C D Ideal volume Material Código LUXO SUPER LUXO GRAN LUXO
150 120 50 57 135 litros  Gel Coat  Opcional H165BC H165XC H165WC
 Acrílico  HA165BC HA165XC HA165WC
180 120 50 73 225 litros  Gel Coat  H168BC H168XC H168WC
 Acrílico  HA168BC HA168XC HA168WC
Whirlpool Jets - 4 6 8
Whirlpool mini jets - - - 4
Motobomba - 1/2 cv 1/2 cv 1 cv
Suction - 2 2 2
Air command - 1 1 2
Water entry / thief - 1 1 1
Water outlet valve - 1 1 1
Hydraulic kit KIT/LAD opcional 1 1
Pneumatic drive SH/BTASC 1 1 1
Black or white pillow SH/AFBH8 opcional 2 2
Stainless steel handles (pair) SH/BH8AC opcional opcional 1
Activation panel with level sensor SH/SENAE opcional opcional opcional
Additional mini-jets (3 mini-jet kit) SH/3MJAC opcional opcional opcional
Heater 5000w or 8000w Insert the letter "Q" at the end of the code opcional opcional opcional
Chromotherapy with actuation panel (1 point) CROMOT1C opcional opcional opcional
Chromotherapy with actuation panel (2 points) CROMOT2C opcional opcional opcional
Installed self-supporting metal structure (150 cm) ES/BH165 opcional opcional opcional
Installed self-supporting metal structure (180 cm) ES/BH168 opcional opcional opcional
Integrated side panel - Gel Coat (150 cm)* PLI15 opcional opcional opcional
Integrated side panel - Gel Coat (180 cm)* PLI18 opcional opcional opcional
Integrated "L" side panel - Gel Coat (180 x 120 cm)* PLIL1812 opcional opcional opcional
Integrated side panel - Acrylic (180 cm)* PLIA18 opcional opcional opcional
Loose side panel - Gel Coat (150 cm) AB1/150 opcional opcional opcional
Loose side panel - Gel Coat (180 cm) AB1/180 opcional opcional opcional
Loose side panel - Acrylic (180 cm) ABA1/180 opcional opcional opcional
Painel lateral avulso em "L" - Gel Coat (180 x 120 cm) ABL/1812 opcional opcional opcional
Protective film SH/PEL opcional opcional opcional
Inspection door - Gel Coat (52 x 38 cm) PI/525 opcional opcional opcional
Inspection door - PS (52 x 38 cm) PIU/525 opcional opcional opcional
Metal outlet valve SH/VMCO opcional opcional opcional
Metal pop-up outlet valve SH/VPOPO opcional opcional opcional
Bluetooth BLT/ACP opcional opcional opcional
Leveling foot PN/BH2 optional optional optional
Leveling Foot for Integrated Panel ES/PN2 optional optional optional



Certified in accordance with IEC 60335-1 and 60335-2-60 standards, according to INMETRO Ordinance No. 371/09.

Quality Tests

The product is tested for water capacity, component function, and electrical and hydraulic efficiencies.